Without Unity “They” Win

A friend writes:

This past Saturday was the third annual Women’s March, the cornerstone of what has come to be called the “me too” movement. Marches were held across the country as women in pink hats flocked in the thousands to lend their support to this progressive movement. Unfortunately, national turnout was low as the march remained shrouded in questionable financial transactions, disputes over the soul the movement, and accusations of anti-Semitism. Such conflicts perpetuate oppression and malignant patriarchy. Getting members of diverse groups to distrust one another, and see each other as the enemy, allows those with power to divert attention from their unethical and illegal actions. Isolated and alone, we lose our strength and render “We The People” unable to effect real change. 

Let’s remember that the people united can never be divided! On Martin Luther King Day, we were reminded to turn our eyes to the true prize, and strive to stay focused on our core values. We must unite to achieve common sense goals and defeat those who wield power in the their own self interest. Let’s come together as diverse peoples of many creeds, genders, opinions, and ethnicities to build a new world order that truly cares for ALL members of the human family. We shall be heard on fair wages, creating health care for all, affordable education, ending nuclear proliferation and murderous imperialism, and demanding a clean planet. Take a moment to find that place within you where we are all one. Then send a gentle embrace of love and forgiveness to your brothers and sisters, and lets get back to work!

United we will not be defeated.

Action: Healthcare

7 in 10 Americans support Medicare for All. Call your representative and tell them to become a cosponsor of Rep. Pramila Jayapal's Medicare for All Act of 2019

Indivisible members. This is exactly what the new Indivisible guide urges us to do.  Thanks to “Our Revolution” for setting this up.

In just a few short weeks, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal will be introducing a Medicare for All bill in the House of Representatives. Thanks to your determination and non-stop organizing, this year the House has the best chance in our nation’s history of passing Medicare for All. Will you help with this historic push?

Call 855-751-5024 right now and tell your representative to cosponsor the new Medicare for All Act of 2019.

There are 27 million people in this country with no health insurance at all and millions more who are underinsured. It is time for every member of Congress to go on the record with a vote for where they stand — with the people or with the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.

While some establishment Democrats plan to introduce incrementalist health care bills that continue to let insurance company executives profit off of the denial of care, we know that Medicare for All is the only solution that will fix our broken health care system.

The success of this bill in the House will depend heavily on the amount of support it has the day it is introduced. The number of original co-sponsors will determine how seriously Medicare for All is taken by Congress, the media, and the public, so we need to get to work now.

Call your Representative NOW at 855-751-5024 and ask them to sign on. Forward this email to friends and family and ask them to call, too.

A majority of Americans already support Medicare for All. Now, we need a majority of the members of Congress to support Medicare for All too. Thank you for your continued engagement in this movement.

In solidarity,

Bonnie Castillo
Executive Director
National Nurses United
Vice President / Executive Council Member

CALL 855-751-5024 »

PO Box 66208

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Our Revolution is a 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to Our Revolution are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All donations are made to support Our Revolution’s general mission and are not designated for any specific activity.

January 23, 2019—Call to Action Day

January 23, 2019 Indivisible National Call to Action Day: Open the Government! 
Call Toomey (202-224-4254) and Casey (202-224-6324).

Call Your Senators About the Trump Shutdown – On Jan. 23 and DAILY, AS NEEDED
Mitch McConnell is refusing to put the legislation to reopen the government to a vote. He’s playing an active role in the Trump shutdown that is hurting the entire country. Call Senators Toomey and Casey  and tell them to oppose all other legislation in the Senate until the government is reopened.

Indivisible National offers the following call script:

Hello! My name is ___ and I’m calling from (zip code). I’m calling to ask [Senator] to oppose any legislation in the Senate until the government is reopened.

The Senate—including [Senator]—unanimously passed a clean budget that would keep the government open until February. There are 800,000 federal workers going without pay. National parks are filling up with trash. This is unacceptable; [Senator] needs to force Mitch McConnell to put legislation reopening the government on the floor by opposing all other legislation.

Will [Senator] commit to voting “no” on all legislation until the government has reopened?

Indivisible on Offense: 2

From the indivisible guide:

Section 1: What’s This New “Agenda-Setting Power” Thing?

With the majority in the House, Democrats now have “agenda-setting power.” This means they can choose what bills get a vote, but it doesn’t mean they can enact laws unilaterally. This section explains what this newfangled power is.

Section 2: Legislative Offense

Now that House Democrats can determine which bills get votes, there are two big opportunities to go on legislative offense in 2019 and 2020:

  1. Messaging bills: Democrats can put forward legislation in stark contrast with Trump’s agenda, setting the stage for enactment in 2021.
  2. Must-pass bills: Some things (e.g. budgets) have to pass; otherwise the world goes to hell. Democrats now can influence what goes into those bills.

Section 3: Offense Through Oversight and Investigations

For two years, Trump has operated with zero oversight from the Republican Congress. That’s over. House Democrats now have many ways to hold Trump accountable: Subpoena power, investigatory power, congressional-hearings power, and more! This section describes what your representative can do. Giddyup — it’s gonna be a wild ride.

Did you know there was a new Indivisible Guide
Now is the time to find out more about:

  • How congress really works
  • What you can do to effect change
  • State level actions can make a big difference

Check it the guide now!

Network for Public Education Action writes:

While I was a high school principal, I observed first hand how emotionally difficult it was for students to report sexual harassment and assault. The self-doubt, shame and embarrassment that victims experience can be overwhelming, causing many to hold back their reports.

Now, rather than making it easier for victims to receive the justice they deserve, Betsy DeVos wants to roll back the rights of students who have been sexually assaulted. She has proposed rules that would narrow the definition of what constitutes sexual harassment, limit the number of school personnel to whom reports can be made, and raise the bar for student discipline to a level similar to what is needed in criminal court rather than the current standard, which is modeled on civil liability cases. In addition, if a student is raped by a fellow student while off campus,  the victim will have no recourse within the school.

These rollbacks on student protections come from DeVos for whom taxpayers have spent an estimated $20 million for her round-the-clock security. What is one of DeVos’s rationales for these changes? It will save schools money.

For those of us who care about students and their safety, this is outrageous. These rules are not yet in place. There is still time to make a difference. Here is what you can do.

  • Go to https://www.regulations.gov/comment?D=ED-2018-OCR-0064-0001
  • In the ‘Comment” box, type the phrase I submit this comment in response to the Secretary of Education’s proposed amendments of regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.” Then continue with your comment (see an example below), or submit a letter in a Word document.
  • Enter your first and last name.
  • Follow the directions to submit.

Below is a comment you can cut and paste in the comment box, or you can expand it and submit your comment in a word document:


I submit this comment in response to the The Secretary of Education’s proposed amendments to regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in regard to the remedies available to victims of sexual assault. Rather than making it easier for victims to report and receive the justice they deserve, the amendments instead roll back the rights of students who have been sexually assaulted. This is unacceptable. These amendments to regulations should be rejected.


Then please post this link on social media to encourage others to protest the change in regulations.


Thank you for all that you do!

Please note our new address:

Network for Public Education Action

PO Box 227

New York City, NY 10156

Environment (from Sierra Club)

We have just a few more days to drive home the message that President Trump must stop his rollback of #CleanerCar rules!

Now is the time to act! Please add your name today.

Take Action!

If there was a button you could push that would save you money AND keep 4 billion barrels of oil in the ground, would you push it?


Take Action!

War on people: Environment

  • This administration’s war on people, our planet, our well being continues apace. Here are two current issues.

The Sierra Club Writes:
Within the span of a week, the Trump administration took two extreme steps to roll back commonsense safeguards against methane pollution from the oil and gas industry, putting the health of our communities and our environment at risk. One of those actions, led by Trump’s Acting EPA Administrator, Andrew Wheeler, is open for public comment–and now we can go on the record and fight back!

Sign this petition please:

Move On writes:
We learned today that the Senate plans to move with ‘light speed’ to approve Trump’s pro-fossil fuel nominee to fill the vacancy at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. If confirmed, Bernard McNamee will not just regulate energy markets, but will approve natural gas pipeline and infrastructure projects. Confirmation could come as soon as Tuesday when the Senate is holding its hearing on his nomination.

We’re still reeling from the IPCC report out this week that says that we have 12 years left to mitigate the effects of climate change, not just because it’s a stunning announcement, but because we know that IPCC’s estimates tend to be conservative. This is absolutely not the time time to put someone who wrote in his Earth Day op-ed in The Hill that fossil fuels “have dramatically improved the human condition — and continue to do so” and “Some suggest that we can replace fossil fuels with renewable resources to meet our needs, but they never explain how.”

Please sign and share our petitionhttps://petitions.moveon.org/sign/senate-dont-send-a-fossil?mailing_id=40892&source=s.icn.em.cr&r_by=10770486

And then please, please, please call your senators and tell them to vote NO on McNamee’s confirmation. You can find their contact information here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

Documentary Film

THE GUARDIANS is a revealing investigative documentary set in Las Vegas, Nevada that exposes allegations of corruption within the Nevada Guardianship and Family Court systems involving the legal kidnapping of elderly people. The film shines a light on a lucrative business that drains seniors’ life-savings and robs them of their freedoms.

More Info