A Day Without Immigrants—No work, No school, No spending! Monday, February 14, 2022

To call attention to the integral role of immigrants in our communities and the continuing need for immigration reform in Washington, D.C., immigrants across the country are calling for a nationwide strike and boycott on Monday, February 14, 2022. 

A local group from MILPA (The Movement of Immigrant Leaders in PA) will be gathering at 100 Garrett Rd. in Upper Darby from 10am -11:30am on Monday, Feb. 14 as part of the national strike and boycott. This is the first time that MILPA in Delco is organizing a public event rather than joining the larger Philly group. The Inquirer will be tweeting out the event and they are hoping for a strong showing of allies and supporters. Please join if you can!


As you probably know, this Monday, 1/17, is MLK Day. The family of Martin Luther King, Jr., along with numerous civil rights leaders, social justice organizations, and voting rights advocates, are encouraging people who want to honor MLK’s legacy this year to focus on voting rights and voter registration (#NoCelebrationWithoutLegislation).

There are a number of ways to participate in this call to action locally on Monday:

  • Register voters in South Philly with H-CAN Indivisible at 2 PM. Learn more here.
  • Register voters in West Philly with the Urban League of Philadelphia/When We All Vote at 10 AM. Learn more here.
  • Contact Senators Casey and Toomey through Indivisible and demand that they fix the filibuster and pass voting rights legislation. Learn more here.

Upper Darby Indivisible is also offering an opportunity to take action from home through the Center for Common Ground’s Reclaim Our Vote Campaign.

We will be writing postcards on Monday to Black registered voters in Texas, urging them to vote in the upcoming March 1 primary. Only 1 in 25 Texas voters participate in primaries, yet their voices are crucial to choosing candidates that will address all this and more: threats to democracy, voting, and vote counting, crumbling electrical grids with freezing and flooding, high rates of Covid, and school policies. We will emphasize this and offer pointers to Early Voting information.

On Monday, 1/17, from 9 AM to 9 PM, there will be packets of postcards on our porch at 4719 Woodland Avenue in Drexel Hill. Please feel free to drop by anytime to pick up a packet or two (or three)!

If you cannot pick up postcards and would like a special delivery, please contact Jenn at jenn_hallam@yahoo.com

Rally for Voting Rights!

The clock is running out–the Senate needs to pass S. 1, the For the People Act, before their August recess.

We have a plan for a splashy, attention-grabbing event that will (hopefully) garner media attention and remind folks to call their senators. 

What: Rally on the 69th Street Bridge in Upper Darby. We’ll hold posters that spell out “Pass S.1,” “Freedom to Vote,” and “Honk for Voting Rights.” 
When: Wednesday, August 4, at 5 p.m.
Who: You and your friends
How: Just show up—we’ll have the signs and you just need to bring your arms for sign-holding. 

Please put this date on your calendar now, and plan to attend. To get the attention this worthy bill needs, we need to have an impressive showing!

Wednesday, August 4, at 5 p.m., 69th Street Bridge.

6 ways to help

All Eyes on Georgia Phonebank

Indivisible is partnering with Color of Change for an All Eyes on Georgia phonebank on Monday, December 7, from 6 – 8:30 pm EST. By making calls into Georgia, you’ll be working to take back the Senate, move progressive priorities to the fore like protecting Black lives, strengthen our democracy, and ensure we pass real COVID-19 relief. Sign up here

For more GA-related actions, see the list of volunteer opportunities here

Thank an election worker – We Are Democracy campaign

The group Protect our Election is organizing a national day of appreciation effort to recognize and thank election workers on December 14. For more on this grassroots campaign called “We are Democracy,” click here

Deadline Dec. 17 – submit comment on re: oil and gas lease sale in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Submit a public comment in writing (no on-line comment portal available this time) or through Environmental Action’s form opposing the sale of oil and gas leases on the 1.6 million acre Coastal Plain area of the refuge.

Contact Sens. Casey and Toomey – demand REAL COVID relief

Let Sens. Casey and Toomey know that we want real COVID relief passed – without McConnell’s favors to big corporations that would give immunity to employers that knowingly violate public health guidelines and expose their employees to the virus. This could be attached to an end of the year spending bill, so there’s still time. More here

Contact Rep. Scanlon – time to get rid of Motion to Recommit (MTR) and Paygo rules

The House votes on a set of rules at the beginning of each Congress. Some of those rules make it more difficult to pass progressive legislation. Negotiations have already begun over the rules package that will be voted on in early January. Now is the opportunity for progressives to make their voices heard and demand that the House remove arbitrary limits on their own ability to pass good policy.  Learn more about the Motion to Recommit and Paygo rules here, or from this short video, and contact Rep. Scanlon now and demand that the MTR and Paygo are NOT included in the House rules package. (Watch the video.  It really explains why these need to go.)

Help report disinformation

Common Cause has created a tipline to report disinformation we see on social media. You can learn more about the tipline and other ways to fight disinformation in the latest Indivisible Truth Brigade Campaign: Countering the Ongoing Assault on Our Election.


Sen. Bob Casey
Phone: 202-224-6324 or 215-405-9660, email link

Sen. Pat Toomey
Phone: 202-224-4254 or 215-241-1090, email link

Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon
Phone: 202-225-2011 or 610-626-1913, email link

Resistbot: Text resist to 50409, or connect with Resistbot on Facebook to use it with FB messenger

Emmett Till, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Jacob Blake.

Letetra Widman, Jacob Blake’s sister, is enduring a crushing pain that is all too common in America. On Sunday, Jacob Blake was shot multiple times in the back by police officers in Kenosha, while three of his children watched from the car. Blake has been in intensive care, and there are now reports that he’s paralyzed from the waist down, and it’s unknown if the damage is permanent. When Letetra spoke of her brother today, she placed him within a larger picture of brutality and violence against against Black lives: 

“So many people have reached out to me telling me they’re sorry that this happened to my family. Well don’t be sorry, because this has been happening to my family for a long time, longer than I can account for. It happened to Emmett Till, Emmett Till is my family. It happened to Philando, Mike Brown, Sandra…This is nothing new.”

We won’t stop saying their names because we can’t erase the harsh reality that Black Americans experience every day and have for all of our country’s history. The last few days have been especially and rightfully fueled with anger, sorrow, fear, and all kinds of emotions. And we want you to know that we hear you, we see you, we love you, and we’re here to support you. Harness that energy and take meaningful action. Like Letetra Widman said, “I don’t want your pity. I want change.” 

Here are some suggestions if you want to take action right now: 

Use this page to split a donation between organizations supporting Black Lives Matter activists. Four months into protests, activists and organizers all over the country still need our support. If you would like to support protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin seeking justice for Jacob Blake, donate to the Milwaukee Freedom Funddirectly — they’re currently extending their help with bail, tickets, and connecting protestors to lawyers.

Check out Indivisible’s latest POC blog, “Why Black Lives Still Matter.” The latest POC blog was written by Meron Yohannes of Metairie Indivisible on how Metairie Indivisible is taking steps to show up for Black members of their community directly impacted by police brutality. 

We also encourage non-Black allies to watch our latest training on effective allyship and relational organizing watch our latest training on effective allyship and relational organizing here.

Black lives matter, today and always. In solidarity, 
Indivisible Team 

Lights for Liberty, July 12th

Lights for Liberty
Friday, July 12, 2019
8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
201 W. Front St. Media, PA 19063

Freedom for Immigrants works with people who have been in immigration detention beyond one month. They are spearheading a national day of action on July 12 to call attention to this shameful situation.

There are 8 detention centers in Pennsylvania. One, as we all know, is in Berks County. HOWEVER, George Hill prison has a contract with ICE to detain people right here in Delaware County!

George Hill is run by GEO Corp. According to federal government data, GEO Group receives more taxpayer dollars for immigration detention than any other ICE contractor — $184 million in FY 2017.

Join us and other groups from across Delaware County as we light up the evening and show a spotlight on this situation. 


Say Thanks!

At the April 9th monthly Indivisible MGS meeting, one of the immediate requests from the group was for MGS to Co-Sponsor and publicly support the NO BAN ACT which was to be introduced on April 10th.

This legislation would “defund and rescind Trump’s current Muslim Ban, asylum ban, and refugee ban AND would also amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, limiting future presidents from implementing similar discriminatory bans ever again”.

Please call or write to thank Congresswoman Scanlon for co-sponsoring the NO BAN Act, H.R. 2214. It is great that our Rep. is actually listening to her constituents!

East Lansdowne Office
927 East Baltimore AvenueEast Lansdowne, PA 19050
(610) 626-1913

Washington, DC Office
1535 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2011

Without Unity “They” Win

A friend writes:

This past Saturday was the third annual Women’s March, the cornerstone of what has come to be called the “me too” movement. Marches were held across the country as women in pink hats flocked in the thousands to lend their support to this progressive movement. Unfortunately, national turnout was low as the march remained shrouded in questionable financial transactions, disputes over the soul the movement, and accusations of anti-Semitism. Such conflicts perpetuate oppression and malignant patriarchy. Getting members of diverse groups to distrust one another, and see each other as the enemy, allows those with power to divert attention from their unethical and illegal actions. Isolated and alone, we lose our strength and render “We The People” unable to effect real change. 

Let’s remember that the people united can never be divided! On Martin Luther King Day, we were reminded to turn our eyes to the true prize, and strive to stay focused on our core values. We must unite to achieve common sense goals and defeat those who wield power in the their own self interest. Let’s come together as diverse peoples of many creeds, genders, opinions, and ethnicities to build a new world order that truly cares for ALL members of the human family. We shall be heard on fair wages, creating health care for all, affordable education, ending nuclear proliferation and murderous imperialism, and demanding a clean planet. Take a moment to find that place within you where we are all one. Then send a gentle embrace of love and forgiveness to your brothers and sisters, and lets get back to work!

United we will not be defeated.

Monday, June 25th Indivisible Upper Darby Meeting

Monday, June 25th Indivisible Upper Darby Meeting:

We feel this is still a relevant issue. Lets make sure this never happens again!

At 7:00 pm we will join the Love Must Win rally at Baltimore and Lansdowne Avenue to make our voices heard in support of keeping immigrant families together.   You do not have to sign up for the event….just show up and bring a sign

At 8:00 pm we will leave the rally and go to 2312 Garrett Road...which is a Tavern on Garrett Road to write postcards to our Senators in support of SB3036 (Keep Families Together) and  ICE, Sessions and Trump.


While we are writing postcards, we will do some Indivisible Upper Darby business:

  • Get an update on the Indivisible Convening held last Sunday
  • Update on efforts to start a Community Development Corporation in Upper Darby Township and what we found out from the Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation
  • What our members working with a Quaker Group are doing
  • Thinking about following up our Sensible Gun Legislation Forum with other efforts

See you there!